Distributor Support
New Distributors Receive: Ad Templates, Layout Designs, Sample Directories, Business Forms, Printed (“sales”) Marketing Material, a Comprehensive FAQ (frequently asked questions) List and much more.
Everything we have developed and use (a substantial amount of operations and marketing material) is available for a New Distributor (you are free to use any or all of this material).Finally, we are a company that will give you unparalleled support, and the tools to be successful in your own business.
New Distributors have access to our business Library that can be of benefit to a Distributor’s success.
You are free to use what you chose.
Our business Library contains an extensive variety of business forms for our particular business.
Sample Directories, Ad Templates, sample ads for all types of businesses and layout designs.
Very effective “show and sell” marketing material.
By using the marketing material available in our Library we can effectively present our services to our prospective new clients.
Everything we have developed and use (a substantial amount of operations and marketing material) is available for a New Distributor (you are free to use any or all of this material).Finally, we are a company that will give you unparalleled support, and the tools to be successful in your own business.
New Distributors have access to our business Library that can be of benefit to a Distributor’s success.
You are free to use what you chose.
Our business Library contains an extensive variety of business forms for our particular business.
Sample Directories, Ad Templates, sample ads for all types of businesses and layout designs.
Very effective “show and sell” marketing material.
By using the marketing material available in our Library we can effectively present our services to our prospective new clients.
Questions and answers that thoroughly describe how we have secured advertising clients, published directories, business strategies we have used in operating our business and many more details. With significant cost and time we have refined our business practices.
You may find this information very helpful in building your own business.
We are always ready and willing to answer questions for our Distributors.
Our company depends on profitable distributors for our continuing income.
A successful Distributor provides our Company with a continuing income stream.
In time our Distributors will be given the option to market additional products and services.
CONFIDENTIAL (Passwords Required)
- Building Your Business
- FAQ – Marketing Strategies
- General Information
- Publication Cycle (Word document)
- Display Ad Reservations (Word document)
- Updates
- General
- Templates
- Marketing Tools (M – Marketing)
M101 – Gold laminate (front)
M102 – Gold laminate (back)
M103 – White laminate (front)
M104 – White laminate (back)
M105 – Leave behind brochure (outside)
M106 – Leave behind brochure (inside)
M107 – Self promo (page 1)
M108 – Self promo (page 2)
- Administration (A – Administration)
A101 – Order Form
A102 – Barter Card
A103 – Ad Proof
A104 – Take One Label – Inside
A105 – Take One Label – Outside
- A106 – Advertiser Database (Excel .xlsx)
- A107 – Display Ad Reservations (Word document)
- Production / Templates (P – Production)
- P101 – RSVP (outside)
- P102 – RSVP (inside)
- P103 – RSVP vertical (outside)
- P104 – RSVP vertical (inside)
- Marketing Tools (M – Marketing)